Educators can demonstrate a broad knowledge base and an understanding of areas they teach.

Attending professional development in School District No. 91 to deepen and enrich my learning both inside and outside my subject areas
It is an understatement to say that educators should be knowledgeable in the subjects they teach. Proficiency, and a deep knowledge base, in one’s subject area used to be the backbone of the education system.
What I have found to be just as valuable, however, is the embodiment of a growth mindset and the embracing of life-long learning by educators. With these two things, there is no reason why any educator cannot achieve proficiency in any subject area, helping them facilitate the learning of all students across all grades and the curriculum.
In two of my three practicums I had to step outside my subject area, and have learned first hand just how far a growth mindset, and an attitude towards life-long learning can carry one. By embodying these two things, and a commitment to making myself an expert on what I was teaching, I was able to have success, deliver content, and stretch student’s thinking to help them extend beyond basic level content knowledge.
Exemplars from EDUC 491 Practicum:
30 Jan
- Did some extra research on the topic for HUM 8 even though my notes were done (want to seem even more knowledgeable of the content)
3 Feb
- In a discussion on the Black Death, with both groups, was able to spin in into a conversation about the coronavirus, and show a level of depth about my understanding around this topic. Hopefully was able to put their minds at ease,
10 Feb
- Spent lots of the weekend reading recent new articles – because of the heavy work load, I have kind of cut myself off from everything that has not been happening at PGSS – I want to make time for student to ask questions about current events, but I myself need to be informed on various topics and issues (have also been listening to Canadian news podcasts on the way to and from work)
19 Feb
- Starting researching more in depth about volleyball. This is the unit I will be teaching after Spring Break, and I have never really played it before – need to teach myself all of the rules, as well as they fundamental skills and strategies – from there, I can learn more in depth so students can extend past just basic level knowledge and skills
27 Feb
- Continuing to research volleyball strategies and fundamental skills